Friends Of Bright Eyes

FOBE runs an all-girls activity club for ages 8-18 with Special Needs or Disability from The Dallow Centre, weekly term-time. If you’re interested in this or any our other services, please feel free to contact us using the details below: | Friends Of Bright Eyes | Registered Charity 1091012 

Address: Crystal House Suite 2 | New Bedford Road | Luton | LU1 1HSTel: 01582 966 065 | Mobile: 07871 500 706 | Email:

FOBE a Luton based registered charity providing vital support services for children
with disability and their families.

Our History

Founded by a mother with a disabled child and no support, she took it upon herself to
provide something for her daughter to do. With support from a few local community
members she proceeded to organise a regular activity club for children with disability. From
these humble beginnings FOBE has now become an integral part of numerous families’
lives, providing a range of regular support services for both children with disability and their


What We Do Today

FOBE main aim is to improve the quality of life for disabled children and their families. We
can make a real difference through our dedicated team helping to deliver projects such as
activity clubs, trips & outings, holiday play schemes and other exciting experiences. These

projects really help improve the lives of these children and families.

Benefits for Children: Children with disability get an opportunity to partake in fun, exciting
experiences which they may otherwise not be able to access, increasing their self-esteem,

building friendships and being happier.

Benefits for the Family: Parents/Carers get a chance to rest and recuperate, spend time
with other family members, lower their stress levels and reduce the risk of family breakdown.

Why it’s Needed

Families with a disabled child are at much higher risk of breakdown due to severe problems
related to coping with the demands of caring with a child with disabilities. Children with a
disability are much more likely to be isolated, marginalised and bullied resulting in low self-

esteem and severe lack of confidence.

76% of parents with a disabled child experience stress or depression (Every Disabled Child

Matters Report)

7 out of 10 families with a disabled child are still being pushed to breaking point (MENCAP


“If my family hadn’t accessed short break services I’m not sure that we would have still been
together as a family today” (Mother of two sons with Autism & ADHD)

Friends Of Bright Eyes
Registered Charity 1091012